The pictures do not do this day justice.
Hope to Merritt / Happiness to Frustration
The day started off with a glowing sunrise that energized us. As we cycled the Coquihalla highway, came to an extremely steep hill that climbed one kilometer over six kilometers of cycling. It may not sound bad, but for a cyclist, the slope was huge. We were so high there was still snow on the ground. We assumed there couldn’t be many more hills than the initial huge one, but were very wrong. Most of the day was a literal uphill battle. With such little sleep, it was really rough.
We saw a couple deer today which is cool I guess… I’d much rather have seen a bear or a dragon. We also had a toast to Annie who helped support us by supplying us with protein bars. Thanks Annie, enjoy the pictures!
Now we’re in Merritt and John and I both ate a large pizza each which wasn’t enough food. Fun fact: Merritt has dubbed itself the “County Capital of Canada”. It’s got many murals of famous musical artists including Uncle Sloth and the Machines and some guy I’ve never heard of. Country music is bad.
The quote of the day is, “you guys are crazy!” Which was hollered by a guy in a car as we climbed that steep hill. Maybe it’s not the best quote but it really pumped us up and gave us an extra boost of energy. People are really awesome and supportive and we constantly hear friendly honks and see friendly waves as we cycle through. Let’s see if this kindness holds up in other provinces…